Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NEW VAN WRAP! - Look Out For The AO Van!

The day has finally come! Audio Obsessions has an install van to be proud of!

I designed the look of the van, and had everything printed out for us. Chris S, Brian R, and Myself completed the installation and everything turned out great!

No longer while we do a home installation will there be an unmarked white van in the driveway.

No longer will an unmarked white van be driving down the street with Audio Obsessions employees inside. Everywhere we go, people will know that AUDIO OBSESSIONS IS THERE!

Remember to first think of Audio Obsessions for all of your Mobile and Home electronic needs!

Dan Martin
Web/Graphic Designer

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

$$$ "BLOG For BUCKS!" $$$

Now is your opportunity to tell us about your personal experience with Audio Obsessions!

The "BLOG For BUCKS" program starts on October 14, 2009. When you bring your vehicle in for work, you will see a BLOG For BUCKS flyer hanging from your rear-view-mirror. HOLD ONTO YOUR FLYER! If you write a personal response to this blog telling us how your experience was, you will receive $10.00 off of your next purchase from Audio Obsessions! It is important that you HOLD ONTO YOUR FLYER, because you have to hand it in when making your next purchase to receive the $10.00 discount.

No questions asked... If you tell the world about your personal experience with Audio Obsessions and you hold onto your flyer, you will receive $10.00 off on your next purchase!

Thanks to all of our customers! We look forward to helping you again with all of your Mobile and Home electronics needs!


Monday, September 14, 2009


Winter is around the corner and here at Audio Obsessions we are keeping busy preparing for it. As always we HIGHLY recommend that if you are interested in purchasing a remote starter system, that you should schedule an appointment and have it installed before we start to get real busy!

As the in-house Web/Graphic Designer for Audio Obsessions it is my responsibility to keep the website up to date. I designed the website extremely user friendly and content-rich. I'll be adding some new features to the it for the up coming busy season.

The most important NEW feature I'm adding this winter will be the FREE ONLINE ESTIMATES for remote starters. If you are personally unfamiliar with web design here is a little taste of the work I have to do (and I am currently working on) in order to achieve these FREE ONLINE ESTIMATES. Below I have attached a pictures highlighting a SMALL portion of the code I have to write for these online estimates. As of right now, there are 377 different car models, which comes to 2171 individual models and years that all need estimates. It is my job to point each model and year to their appropriate estimate.
I hope to have this portion of the website done by October 15th of this year, before we start to get real busy.

Once the FREE ONLINE ESTIMATES are done for the remote starter webpage, I'm considering actually selling gift-certificates for the remote starters online. If we decide to go that route, I would like to have that available for our customers by Nov. 1st.

As you can tell, we are keeping busy here at the shop! Once one project is completed another one begins!


If you would like to see something else added to the website don't hesitate to post on this blog, or email me directly!

Why Buying Local Can Pay Off In The End!

As a business we realize that anything can be purchased off of the internet at a greatly discounted price; at times at or below what a small business may pay for this same product. I won't get into the problems with the inner workings of the electronics industry that make this possible but will try to sum it up with a short story. Recently I spent time with a customer in our showroom demonstrating an in dash navigation system that we are excited about. Weeks later the customer was in our showroom again when I learned that he had purchased the unit online because it was a little less expensive and he didn't pay tax (which technically he is suppose to claim at years end.) Of course I was not happy to lose a sale to the internet especially because I spent my time educating the customer on this system. About 3-6 months after this product had been on the market there became a known issue with one of the product interfaces. After learning of this issue we contacted our vender, obtained replacement units for all of our clients who purchased this unit from us, and contacted these clients to set them up for exchange free of charge regardless of whether or not they had yet experienced this issue. Shortly after this, the customer that choose to purchase his product online walked into the showroom complaining about this known issue. I made him aware of the common problem and told him he had to contact the company he purchased it through to get the problem resolved. Long story short, he got nowhere with the company he purchased the product from as they told him to contact the manufacturer, and the manufacturer told him he had to deal with the company from where the product was purchased. In the end I had to charge him our labor rate and a new part to finally end his frustrating endeavor. Although product issues are nothing we can control, we pride ourselves on providing great service after the sale for those who see the value in what we do. Unfortunately the online stores are merely taking money in exchange for a box.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Can't Please Everyone

Last week we had a 1978 Avanti dropped on our door step with the task of programming an aftermarket key-less entry remote to what was suppose to be an existing aftermarket system installed. This is normally not an issue provided the vehicle actually has a key-less entry installed. After an extensive search for this existing system we determined that there was no keyless entry system currently installed in the vehicle. So at this time I had asked one of our technicians to remove the door panel to verify that this vehicle even had any type of actuator (factory or aftermarket) in the door. After removing the door panel we discovered that any keyless entry ever working on this vehicle was impossible due to the absence of any actuator in this door. It was at this time we took photos to show the customer our findings. To my surprise despite the indisputable evidence the customer refused to believe this to be the case swearing that they had always used a remote to control the door locks, left our shop upset with us. Over the years I have learned just to brush such things off as it is not worth trying to debate the obvious with stubborn people.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Customer Pre-wire... ARE YOU BUILDING A HOUSE?

Hello my name is Chris S. and I'm the Lead Home Install Tech!!

On a weekly basis I am sent out to customers homes to install custom home Audio\Video and complete home automation technology. In this post I'm going to discuss a recent job that I performed. I went to a customers home during the construction process to perform a pre-wire(running wire before the sheetrock goes up).

CLICK HERE to view prewire photos

We provided this customer with a complete home automation package.

- The master bedroom is wired for in-wall speakers and a new HD flat panel television.
- The master bathroom is wired for in-ceiling speakers.
- The family room is wired for 5.1 surround sound in-wall and in-ceiling speakers.
- The childrens bedroom is wired for a future HD flat panel television.
- The Kitchen is wired for in-ceiling speakers.
- Each room is wired with networking capabilities for our state of the art Control4 System.

For this job, all of the video/audio/networking wires were run to a central location in a future closet which will contain all media electronics for the home.

One of the major benifits to having us in your home durring the construction process is giving us the ability to access each and every room before the sheetrock is put up.

If you are considering building a new home, be sure to contact us before you start! We can make your new home energy efficient and network friendly.

Monday, August 3, 2009


If you're reading this post, then I'm doing my job!

For those of you who don't know me my name is Dan Martin and I'm the Audio Obsessions in house Web and Graphic Designer. It is my job to build the website, update the website, create marketing materials such as flyers, business cards, postcards, email promotions, pretty much anything involving web and print graphics.

Since I've been here at the shop I've completely re-designed and re-built the website from the ground up. It has a great new look, it is completely user friendly, and most importantly it highlights both sides of our business (MOBILE and HOME TECHNOLOGY).

Recently I've started an email promotions campaign. This is the easiest way for me to keep our faithful customers informed about new products and special promotions. If you haven't been getting our emails it's because YOUR NOT ON MY LIST! SIGN UP! Click here to go to our contact page. On the left hand side you will see our email promotion sign up. Enter your email, click on the join button and that's it!

If you have any recommendations for me, PLEASE let me know. I'm always open to feedback! You can email me at dmartin@audioobsessions.com

Here at Audio Obsessions we, Make Technology Easy!
